Emplug Women in Tech is a unique intervention in the tech sector with actionable steps geared towards bridging the gender barrier in the sector

About Women in Tech

Emplug Women in Tech (WIT) is an organization committed to changing the narrative on women participation in the tech industry. At Emplug WIT we seek to proffer sustainable solutions that addresses the root causes of the gender imbalance in the tech sector. Exploring different avenues, we work towards creating this change through partnerships, collaborations and making allies of perceived competitors. Hereby creating a win-win scenario for all and technology.

Join a team of amazing women

We Retool women with the needed skills and Innovatively opening new alternative pathways for women interested in pursuing tech careers.

We Look into the numerous barriers that prevents qualified women from getting hired in the tech sector.

We Support women in the tech sector through mentorship, peer groups support communities and a support solution centre.

Our Focus


Retooling women with the needed skills and Innovatively opening new alternative pathways for women interested in pursuing tech careers. We achieve this through educative programmes, encouraging girls to consider a career in technology by participating in STEM programmes, technology boot camps with partner organizations among others.

Getting Onboard

Looking into the numerous barriers preventing qualified women from getting hired in the tech sector. From who is doing the hiring, to workplace policies preventing women from landing that tech job. We do this by leading the conversation on workplace policies and barriers restricting qualified women from participating in the tech sector.


Supporting women in the tech sector through mentorship, peer groups support communities and a support solution centre. Our support communities thrive with our men allies because mentorship between women alone will not fix the deep rooted cultural and environmental issues that has been introduced into the tech sector and the workplace. ​